Why Your Data & Analytics Team is Like a Master Plumber

Have you ever thought of your Data & Analytics team as master plumbers? Let me explain.

In the realm of data governance and quality, these experts are akin to skilled plumbers, meticulously installing and maintaining the ‘pipelines’ of your data infrastructure. Just like plumbers ensure that pipes are correctly fitted and leak-free, data professionals ensure that your analytics tools (your sinks, showers, and taps) are primed and ready for use.

But here’s a crucial distinction – while plumbers install and maintain the pipes, they don’t dictate what flows through them. Hot or cold water? Beer or water? The content – or in our case, the data – is not their decision.

This raises important questions about data governance:

  1. Standardization: Is the definition of “hot” data standardized across your organization?
  2. Purpose and Context: Does your data pipeline lead to a bathroom tap or a bar’s beer tap? Understanding the context and intended use of data is crucial.
  3. Quality Control: Ensuring the integrity of what flows through these pipes – be it water or data – is paramount.

As a Data & Analytics expert, my role is to help organizations install and maintain these data pipelines efficiently and effectively, ensuring that when you turn on your analytics tap, you get exactly what you need.

Let’s start a conversation: How do you ensure that your data pipelines are well-maintained and delivering the right content?